What makes you different from a traditional publisher?
Why do you require an initial consultation?
What are the steps in the process?
How long does it take to publish my book?
How much will this cost me? Why is this so expensive?
How much money will I earn with book sales?
Can you get me an agent or a book deal with a big publisher?
What genres do you publish?
We publish a variety of genres: fiction, both adult and YA; narrative nonfiction; memoir; and poetry. We seek engaging and important stories and will work with authors across genres.
What makes you different from a traditional publisher?
Unlike traditional publishers, we are a hybrid model of publishing and are committed to partnering with our authors. We do not require authors to have agents and we work directly with them on their projects. Because we require a financial investment from our authors, we are able to dedicate extensive and intensive time to you and your project’s editorial development, design, and other stages. This allows our authors to have control over their work, from content to covers to promotion. Traditional publishers often have long lead times of one to two years or more, but we publish authors on a timeline that works for them. See our Mission for more about what makes us different.
What services do you offer?
Please visit our Services page to learn more about what we offer. Contact Us if you have specific questions or want to set up an introductory consultation.
Will you publish me?
We are conscientious and selective about projects we choose to publish under our Tree of Life Books imprint. After we consult with you and evaluate your project, we will determine if we’re the right publisher for you, or if you should publish independently or seek an agent or a traditional publisher. Contact Us if you have questions about working with us.
Why do you require an initial consultation or evaluation?
Every project is unique and has its own needs. A consultation allows us to meet each other, and it helps us understand your project and its current status. This also helps you determine if we are the right partners for you. Contact Us if you have questions about working with us.
What are the steps in the process?
The steps in the publishing process often overlap. For example, book cover design and layout are often happening as text is being copyedited. Platform building and promotion start before books are available for sale to build up public interest. Generally speaking, here are the stages in the process:
Writing and revision: In this stage, you’re working either alone or with a writing coach to draft, write, and revise their manuscript.
Editing: This can be developmental, line editing, or copyediting. The developing editor works hand in hand with the author to help you revise and restructure their narrative. Once the content is finished, it is line edited. Copyediting occurs prior to layout and publication, once the text is line edited, and focuses on grammar and style.
Design and layout: A designer will work with you to create a cover for your book, as well as laying out the interior text and images.
Publishing and printing: A unique ISBN is assigned to your book so it will be in appropriate distribution channels, making it available to booksellers. Books are printed and/or uploaded to ebook platforms.
Marketing and promotion: Your book can be promoted in various spaces, such as traditional review outlets and media, social media, events, and so on.
Visit our Services page for more information on what we offer.
How long does it take to publish my book?
This is contingent upon how much editing, development, or design work is needed. However, from the time there’s a finished manuscript in hand to the time books can be available to readers can be as short as 12 months. We will work with you to create a unique timeline that fits your needs. Contact Us today to schedule an introductory consultation.
How much will this cost me? Why is this so expensive?
Publishing a book is expensive. From editing and design to printing and promotion, a lot of time and work goes into the process. Each of our projects is unique, and we handle every stage of the process with the care and attention our authors deserve. We create a proposal tailored to each project’s specific needs. We will work with you and your budget and needs to determine the best package for your book. Contact Us to discuss pricing and request a project proposal.
How much money will I earn with book sales?
Profit margins continue to shrink due to the rising costs of printing and distribution (which includes warehousing and shipping of books). You should not expect to get rich quick off book sales. Many authors view their books as investments that help them build their platforms and lead to revenues in other ways: gaining readers or clients, being offered speaking or teaching gigs, partnering with organizations, and so on. Treat your book as an investment and as one part of your plan to further your personal and professional goals.
Can you get me an agent or a book deal with a big publisher?
We do not provide referrals to agents or publishers. We do, however, provide feedback and guidance to help you prepare the materials necessary to pitch agents and publishers, such as query letters, synopses, and book proposals. Contact Us to learn more.
Do I need a literary agent to work with you?
No! We are committed to working directly with authors, so you do not need a literary agent.
I have more questions.
We’d love to hear from you! Please Contact Us for an introductory consultation.