Big Wishes for Little Feat by Cheryl Olsten
Consulting. Editorial.
Cheryl Olsten tells the fanciful and delightful tale of a young horse in Belgium and a little girl living in America who are brought together by a bit of fate and a shooting star. Big Wishes for Little Feat is a wonderful tale that will ignite the imagination with its rich, colorful illustrations by award-winning Italian illustrator Paolo d'Altan. Central to the book's charm is the imagery of stars and constellations to which a little girl and her horse both look for inspiration, confidence, and faith in themselves, as they learn how to turn disappointments into achievements.
Cheryl Olsten was formerly the publisher of two New Jersey Magazines, New Jersey Life and New Jersey Life Health and Beauty. She resides in Pennsylvania with her husband, while their grown children are living their happy lives on different parts of the globe.
Visit Cheryl’s website here.